How To Manage Postpartum Hair Loss

How To Manage Postpartum Hair Loss

Hey Beautiful Mamas!
Let's have a chat about something that many new mums experience but often don't discuss openly: postpartum hair loss. If you didn't know, the average person loses about 100 hairs a day through shedding. But during pregnancy, those lovely pregnancy hormones keep your hair from falling out, resulting in gorgeous, thick, and shiny locks.
So what causes postpartum hair loss? Well, once those hormones that prevented hair shedding during pregnancy return to normal levels after giving birth, you may notice a sudden surge of shedding—sometimes in clumps—around 2 to 3 months postpartum. Don't worry; it's completely natural and normal! We understand it can be a bit alarming at first.
The good news is that this phase won't last forever and your hair should be back to its pre-pregnancy glory before your little one turns one.
Now let's get into some tips on how to deal with postpartum hair loss:
1. Avoid tight styles: While it may be tempting to hide your thinning areas under protective styles like braids or weaves, these can actually put additional pressure on your fragile strands. Opt for loose hairstyles or give your scalp some breathing room by going wig-free while at home.
2. Silk or satin pillowcase/headscarf: Friction can cause dryness and breakage for any type of hair loss situation. Using a silk or satin pillowcase or headscarf at night helps protect your strands from rubbing against cotton sheets and reduces damage as you toss and turn in bed.
3. Keep your hair moisturised: Dryness leads to split ends and further breakage, so make sure you keep those tresses hydrated! Our Hydrating Hair Mist For Dry Hair and Simply Nourishing Leave-In Conditioner For Dry Hair are fantastic water-based moisturisers that will work wonders for replenishing moisture in your locks.
4. Organic Oils: These are a game-changer for thickening thinning hair and filling in bald spots. Trust me, I've been there! When I experienced postpartum hair loss a few years ago, I created my own blend of organic and essential oils along with ayurvedic powders. Applying this mixture to my scalp 4-6 times a week helped my edges grow back thicker and fuller within a couple of months. That same oil blend became Kiya's Hair Strengthening Oil, which has received rave reviews from our amazing customers!
Remember, every mum's experience with postpartum hair loss is unique, so find what works best for you. We hope these tips help you navigate this phase with confidence and grace.
If you've experienced postpartum hair loss before, we'd love to hear about your journey and how you coped. Share your story in the comments below!
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